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  • 온누리선교교회 Onnuri Mission Church Миссионерская церковь Оннури

(2011.7.30)필리핀형제들 심방과 음식나눔

by 온누리선교 2011. 8. 5.



진영훈 장로님이 르나토와 페르난도, 롬멜의 집에 방문하여 제레비와 엘머도 함께하여 축복 기도를 해주셨습니다!

Elder Jin visited with Rev. Christine Chang in house of Romel, Renato and Fernando staying Jerrybie and Elmer and Praying  for them in God's blessing



Philippinese style meal for us! Yammiiiii!!!

Renato cooked very well specially Shanghai style toasted buns