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  • 온누리선교교회 Onnuri Mission Church Миссионерская церковь Оннури

Introducing a Recipe of Graham Cake & Lumpia Shanghai cooked by Renato

by 온누리선교 2011. 9. 29.



** Graham Cake **


2pcs Heavy whipped cream, 1pc condense milk, Graham cracker, peaches or fruit cocktail, Oreo cracker.

1) combine heavy whipped cream and condense milk

2) Get a container and put a graham cracker one by one then put and mix whipped cream and condense milk. above the Graham cracker and repeat again the second procesure.

3) but the toppings you want


** Philippine Mando or Lumpia Shanghai **

Shanghai wrap paper, Grind Pork, 1pc carrots, 2pc egg, black paper, celery, soy sauce, Kimchi sauce.