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  • 온누리선교교회 Onnuri Mission Church Миссионерская церковь Оннури
온누리선교교회/English Worship Service

(11th Dec 2011) A Witness to the Light

by 온누리선교 2011. 12. 13.

Scripture reading: John 1:6~8

6. There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John.

7. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.

8. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.



Sermon : A witness to the light

When I travelled in London, I went to see famous pictures in the national gallery. After seeing them, I went to a bus stop. I did not know there was a line. As a bus coming, I ran into the bus. A british guy said to me "What are you doing? Do not see the line up?" I was confused. So I said to him " すみませんSSemimasang" I am so sorry...

I pretended to be a Japanese. By a instinct reaction, I didn't like that he knew I was a Korean. By my mistake, I did not want foreigners to dislike Koreans.

You had similar experiences like me. In the moment when you had mistakes in front of Korean people or the others, what did you do?

Filipinos are faces of Philippines. Chinese people are faces of China. Because they are a witness to their countries in Korea.

So how can you do? you are always nice and careful not to make mistakes at work and living in this society.

Now, Christmas is coming after 2 weeks. Let's think about our Christian identity.

For this identity what are you doing? Sometimes you hide that you are a Christian among the people for comfortable lives? for earning more money? for the pleasure of the world?

If you so, you must stop doing it. Why? you are a witness to the light by the words.

Today, Bible explains who John the Baptist is. Following verses 6-7 he is sent from God, and a witness to testify concerning that light.

What does it mean?

Firstly, John the Baptist knew who he is and what he should do by himself. When we look at Luke 1:36 and 57∼80, he was born as a son of high priest, Zachariah. It means he can possess honour and richness in his society. however, he followed God's will to be "the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord." predicted by Isaiah 40:3. For doing this, he lived in desert wearing clothing made of camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey(Mark 1:2~8) even though he was a son of high priest.

For what did John do so? He aimed to prepare and present a Messiah's coming as the light for this world. This world is under the darkness. There was no hope in front of God almighty. only the light was a hope to remove darkness.

According to verse 7, he shows who he is. He was not the light to remove darkness of this world, Through his witnesses, he made people believe in the light. He is a messenger that is to say he is a witness sent from God. For people surely accept Messiah's coming, he also shouted "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matthew 3:2)

Secondly, John the Baptist was a very humble man.

In verse 8, he himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. Although he was very famous in history of Israel, some said " he is a messiah said by a prophet Isaiah. Also, when John the Baptist was killed by King Herod, his disciples were so many. Some of biblical texts showed intentionally the meetings of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist and presented their conversation and their opinions each other; Jesus said ‘Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."’(Matthew11:11) John the Baptisttried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" (Matthew 3:14)

He was the most famous in the period but he were watching out to be misunderstood as a Messiah. Some pagan leaders pretended to be a Jesus Christ to their followers. Of course, they have spiritual power to heal the wounds or forsee the future. However, they are not Lord Jesus Christ but just a human who possess powerful ability. In this point, we can know John the Baptist was very humble in front of people and God. He surely and repeatedly said in four gospels "I am only a person who prepares the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him".

Thirdly, John the Baptist was waiting for Jesus Christ who was the light.

He said in Mark 3:16 "I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie."

He exactly knew who Jesus was. Jesus is a messiah who baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.(Mark 3:16b, Acts 1:5)

Jesus Christ is the light. According to John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This is true. Jesus came here as the light to drive out the darkness of this world. What is the darkness? It is our death. This is not only physical but also spiritual. By sin, we were trapped by Satan's power. Satan always make us following pleasure of the flesh, ignoring the truth, and being dull about the good. By ourselves, we cannot overcome it. only Jesus the light can make us get out from the power of Satan, the darkness. For this, we can be children of God. So Jesus said to us "You are the light of the world."(Matthew 5:14)

Therefore, we have to live as children of the light. "for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light"(Ephesians 5:8)

If we are not living as a light, we are ruined under sufferings. Even though we think we are happy, we are always thirsty. Surely to say, the thirst should not be slaked by anything in this world. So we have to put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light (Rome 13:12)

Now we face to the third Sunday of the Advent. Let us really think by ourselves. Are we putting on the armor of light to live today? How about your Christmas in last year? Did you remember Jesus Christ who came here as the light of life apart from the darkness?

Christmas is coming. How are we going to spend the season? In the past you could spend the Christmas eve as enjoying drinking and chating for entertainment in holiday. However what is your identity? you are Christian. Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and enjoying the festival to praise God. because we are the people of God, and saved souls by the blood of Christ who made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.(Philippians 2:4) In this moment, we have to have in mind "we follow John the Baptist's doing. As following him, we have to wait Christmas. While we live in this world, we would greet many Christmas. Everytime we should be joyful it waiting for Jesus Christ who came here as a human and will come again. Such holy waits influence on blessing to you.

Let's pray together

Loving God, You sent Jesus Christ to us for saving our lives. Like John the Baptist, we show our Lord Jesus Christ to the others who do not know him at Christmas. Jesus Christ is the light also we are children of light. Please give me the blessing and power of the light. So we got the victory in the end of this year. With the faith, we always thank to you why? we see achieving your word upon us. In Jesus name we pray Amen.