Sermon Surmary 20110925
Be honest to God
Acts 5:1~5
The background of this story is the beginning of early church for revival. By spiritual apostles, many people could know Jesus Christ and then were changed. They got together to churches and experienced the almighty power of God. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. They shared their owns, helped each other, and so created peace in them. The community became beautiful not only to God but also to all people in the world.
Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles' feet. As apostles called him Barnabas which means Son of Encouragement, he should be very important person in society and the community. Ananias and his wife Sapphira was shocked because he won high praise by the community of early church. They became greedy. So they had in mind to sell a piece of their property in order to show their higher position and be respected by people in the community.
However, they felt to spare no cost. With his wife's full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself but brought the rest and put it at the apostles' feet. He really expected apostles' praise and people's respect. but Peter was not deceived of him. So he told him following God's will.
"Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God." (3~4)
When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. Later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. She also did like her husbands' doing so. she fell down at his feet and died.
The point of this story is not to dedicate their material offering to God but to do lies to God. In the text, we can see the sentence "you have lied to the Holy Spirit". It means that Ananias and Sapphira ignored Holy spirit without any fear. In churches, they wanted to be respected by people rather than fear the living God. Therefore, He did not forgive them.
In the beautiful community of early churches, the existence of Ananias and Sapphira who did so gave a great harm to the honor of innocent community. we can see the parables, "wheat and weeds"(Matthew 13:24~30). Inner churches, we face to people like weeds, same as Ananias and Sapphira. In the story, Jesus clearly said to us, "Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.' " (30) Therefore, Holy Spirit eliminate the root of troubles as took the lives of Ananias and Sapphira.
Now, we can pray to the Lord which is asking us be honest in front of him forever in the followng
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)
Please remember the story of David who committed adultery with Bathsheba, then killed her husband and a general, Uriah in battlefield to hide his adultery in front of people and also God. But, when he met God, he really repented of his sins tearing his clothes and wailing deeply. So he wrote psalm 51.
Please do not forget! we can not live without any helps of Holy spirit. In any momnent we can not stand our greeds, we need to a help of the spirit " please help us to be honest and renew a steadfast spirit within me".
A House of Prayers for All Nations 2011
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