온누리선교교회3031 (20111009)열방교회주보 1부: 10, 2부: 14, 주일학교: 14, 오후찬양예배:9, 수요예배: 6, 금요기도회: 6 한국인 성인(9) 청소년(2) 어린이(5) 영유아(7) 필리핀인(2) 베트남인(1) 네팔인(1) 새신자 필리핀1, 한국인 1 총27명 2011. 10. 10. (20111001)즐거운 주일학교 ☞ 주일학교 담당 교사: 이경진선생(청소년부), 박혜경선생(초등부), 김단비선생(유치부), 김찬비선생(유아부), 송하나선생(영아부) ☞ ‘주의 자비가 내려와’, ‘예수님이 말씀하시니’ 등등 즐거운 찬양과 재미있는 말씀으로 함께 하는 주일학교에 아이들을 보내세요! 2011. 10. 8. (2nd Oct 2011)A desire which the Lord was pleased Sermon20111002 A desire which the Lord was pleased 1Kings 3:10~15 This story is very well-known to us. When Solomon became a king, he were in a many difficulties; 1) a pressure of his father David who was made remarkable achievement in the history of Israel 2) his enemies' attack on him in order to gain the crown like David's first son, Adonijah However, he solved the problems on his own as tre.. 2011. 10. 4. (2011.10.2)열방교회 주보 2011. 10. 4. 이전 1 ··· 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 ··· 758 다음